Monday, November 14, 2011


I think the Thanksgiving gets steam rolled by Christmas. Heck even Halloween gets ran over! I am beginning to believe the Holidays are getting over commercialized and people are missing the point.

This year we decided to do a couple Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. My husband and I were originally going to putting the boxes together ourselves, but then we decided we should have our two boys put the boxes together. We told them all about the boxes, what they were for, the children that receive the boxes, and they were more than happy to do it. Pretty awesome coming from a 4 and a 5 year old.

So we went a bought some gifts for to put in the boxes, crayons, pad of paper, colouring book, toys, and some other things. It was wonderful. We also included a little note to the child, along with our mailing address so the child can write to us if they want to. It was wonderful.

Last Wednesday at Calvary Chapel, after Awana, we went to talk to a friend of my husband's for a bit, then on the way out the lady that told us about OCC introduced us to a young lady that had received a Christmas box when she was about 8. She was the sweetest person, so humble, and kind. She was so happy to share her story and we were just as happy to hear it! It really makes your heart warm.

Christmas should be a time of sharing, love, and worshiping Christ. Not over spending, mindless shopping, endless lists, and meaningless gifts. Everyone needs to look past Wal Marts gag worthy Christmas specials and over baring music, the local Mall's over priced gifts, the list a mile and a half long for your family, kids, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins twice removed, and your cat or dog and get back to the REAL meaning of Christmas. It is the day our Savior was born and His gift of Love. 

John 3:16-17 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

You want to give a great gift? Share the wonderful Word of God, share that Christmas was the day He was born, and share the ultimate gift of Love.

I will get off my soap box now. Hah!


I made the yummiest chocolate cookies, thanks to the lovely LilaLoa's Chocolate Cookie Recipe. They smelled and tasted like brownies! Yum. I made the dough, started to roll it out, and oh my gosh, I was about to cry. The dough was cracking and crumbling so badly I was about to trash the whole thing. I kneaded it for a minutes or two, like the recipe said if it started to crack. That did not help. I was not happy about it! I had to go chill out for a while to calm my frayed nerves and do some research. I searched for helpful tips, asked LilaLoa about the dough issue, and found nothing to solve my issue that was going to help. I think I am the first person to ever have this issue with her awesome recipe. I think the problem is because of the climate here in blustery cold Idaho and the weather that day; crappy cold almost snowing kind of day. I found one tip that probably save the dough's life. A few drops of water kneaded into the dough. It seemed to help, but did not cure the problem. But I did get all my cookies cut out and baked. I had maybe a cup and half of dough left. I was so dead tired, my nerves were done for, and I was ready to just go to bed. I tossed it. Right in the trash. I had 30 cookies and I was happy with that. 

I know I am not the only person to do that, nor will I be the last!! 

A few day later, a batch of Royal Icing, new colours, bags, and bottles, all my cookies are now iced.

I love the bottle for flooding. <3

A few days before I made the cookies, I stumbled upon a neat turkey cookie idea on..drum roll please...PINTEREST!!! Greatest website since Google.I gave the cookie idea a try. they turned out pretty cute to me! 

White Meat or Dark Meat?
Gobble Gobble!!

The rest of the cookies I just played around with. Did some marbling/feathering, plaid ( I love plaid), polka dots, and a quilt like patch. All the cookies turned out great. I am so pleased.

I am funny. :)

Button...button...who has the button?
 Thanks for reading. Hope everyone has a delicious Thanksgiving and if you are traveling, I hope your travels are safe!

Question of the Month: Light Meat or Dark Meat?

I love light meat.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November, November!

Wow seems like October was here and gone so fast!! My step kids made out like bandits this Halloween! I think they probably trick or treated 10+ pounds of candy! WOW! The Harvest Party at Calvary  Chapel was a blast as well! I did the face painting while my wonderful husband was security. So many cute costumes and funny faces to paint! Also, so many sick kids! I thought I was using enough hand sanitizer but I was wrong! I have been sick since last Tuesday, November 1st, with viral bronchitis.I am much better now, just a lingering lung rattling cough. Ugh!

A couple weeks ago I was asked to make some cookies for a charity fundraiser auction for Meals on Wheels by a local group called, Newcomers of Idaho Falls! I was so happy and gladly accepted! I have been working up a design for the cookies. I think I will be going with the MOWAA stars for one cookies, a fork, spoon, and plat cookie, a server's platter thing on wheels cookie, and a circle or square cookie with Meals on Wheels written on it. Colours will be White, Blue, Light Blue, Yellow, and silver if I can get my hands on some disco dust. It will be so much fun and a challenge! :)

On November 23, Calvary Chapel (the church my hubby and I go to), will be having a Night of Worship and they want people to bring goodies! I am more than happy to being goodies!! I was thinking why not make a cookie with the beautiful dove design that is in the Sanctuary. It is a hard design but I think I can handle it. I will be going with circle cookies, white background, orange or purple dot around the border, the dove in the center and for some of the other cookies I will be putting bible references such as John3:16. I love Calvary Chapel of Idaho Falls. The pastors are wonderful, the worship band is rockin`, the staff is amazing, and just all the all around atmosphere there and of the people are just....awesome. I love it there. 
The Calvary dove I plan on using on the cookies. :)

My very first order went over great! The lady that ordered them for her anniversary loved them. Her husband even asked her if she bought the truffles from a local candy shop because he thought they looked so professional! I was awe struck by that! The local candy shop's chocolates look fabulous and much better than mine!! I am so happy the truffles turned out just right. I new have a new order to fill for another one of my husband's co-workers for her birthday this month! I am ecstatic!She has even challenged me to make Pumpkin Pie truffles and Eggnog truffles! Fun fun fun!

Speaking of birthday's, my youngest step-son, Johnny, will be turning 5 years old this month on the 27th! Wow! I remember when my husband and I first got together he was only 2 and still in diapers! How times flies! I plan on trying to make some Toy Story themed cookies. Oh man...should be an epic challenge! I love my kids! :)

Thanksgiving seems to be getting steamrolled by Christmas this year....anyone else think so? Tom Turkey can barely get a gobble gobble out before Santa bellows out a HO HO HO! I mean you can not walk into any store and not see Christmas things or not hear holiday music! Pretty soon we well be starting Christmas festivities in August! Yikes! 

I am a bit of a Grinch when it comes to the holidays. But where I now have a hobby and talent to show off and perhaps profit from, I am not as green, my heart is not so small, nor do I want to snarl! I am excited to create beautiful holiday cookies for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years,as well as my niece's 14th birthday. She was born on the same day I was! Pretty neat! So much to do!

OH I now I have a brand new, shiny, barely out of the box Twitter account!! Awesome right? 
C3 Bakery Twitter Check out my Twitter page, follow me, and leave me a comment! :)

I hope evryone is staying warm and safe!

God Bless
